Sunday, July 25, 2010

Self Portrait - Masks we wear

I was visiting over at my dear friend Leslies blog Discovering the Details and came across and interesting post on Self portraits.  She is doing a bi-weekly challenge that this beautiful woman Shakita Mama is putting on.  The first challenge is "Mask self portrait".    

It didn't take me to long to think about what type of mask I wear and like a few other woman that I have noticed hide behind this one too.  My children, my family are my everything.  Should they be or am I selfish to try to put myself first sometimes?  My mom used to say "If Mama aint happy then nobody is happy!"  But what if taking care of my family makes me happy?  Is that wrong?  Although there are days when it is too much and I wish I only had me to take care of.

I do use the kids to hide behind if I don't want to deal with something or someone.  I will say something has come up with the kids or use them as an excuse.   I will stand behind the kids when we meet new people and let them do all the talking.  Which is weird because I'm not really a shy person.  I guess it's I just don't mind standing in the background and letting them have the light.  

I think I'm going to enjoy doing this challenge.  It will give me a chance to see what makes me shine again.

Mommy and Me Monday

On Friday my Aunt and Grandma were in town and she brought my little cousin Marcus.  I thought it would be fun to break out some of the new school supplies and have a little fun.  

I remember doing this in Kindergarten and had such a good time.  I traced their bodies on long sheets of paper and let them color themselves in.    Marcus decided he didn't want to do it, but would help color.  

I had my hubby take our picture.  I love to color!

Let's see your pics! Head over to Really Are You Serious? and link up.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday! - Saturday Play!

I love these shots.  We went to the park near our home after dinner on Saturday and just played.

Sweet Shot Day

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mommy and Me Monday - July 12 Edition

While my sister was here last week we spent a lot of time outside.  I asked her to get a picture of me with all the kids for Mommy and Me Monday.  Here's our attempt at a group photo.





This is as good as it's going to get.


Make sure to link up for Mommy and Me Monday.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn

Friday, July 9, 2010

About Me

My photo
I am a wife, mother,and unschooling mom. I love to play with my kids, laugh, read and hang with my girls. Oh and there must be chocolate too.


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life with my 3 boybarians
Sweet Shot Day
Mom*Tog - For moms who love digital photography
Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn

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